225 S HARTWELL AVE | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record


Architecture and History Inventory
225 S HARTWELL AVE | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:St. Mary's Catholic Church
Other Name:
Contributing: Yes
Reference Number:227575
Location (Address):225 S HARTWELL AVE
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1964
Additions: 1999
Survey Date:2014
Historic Use:church
Architectural Style:Contemporary
Structural System:
Wall Material:Stone Veneer
Architect: Wenzel Zoller Gunn; Architecture 2000 (1999 addition)
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name: St Mary's Catholic Church Complex
National Register Listing Date:11/3/2022
State Register Listing Date:5/20/2022
National Register Multiple Property Name:
Additional Information:This property consists of three buildings--a church, rectory (AHI#228044) and combination school/convent (AHI#227576)--that were originally built separate from each other; however, they are all now connected. The two-story, E. Newhall elevation is comprised of the school and former convent quarters to the east and the 1964 church at the west. Regarding the latter, the church is a dramatic combination of Lannon stone and glass topped with a soaring and overhanging roofline. Tall-and-narrow, slit-like window openings flank the central mosaic of faceted glass. A series of four pair of wooden doors identify the original church entry. The church’s west wall is two stories and built into the existing hill. Each level consists of a single row of stone-trimmed, pointed-arch windows that are separated into bays by pier-like, stone buttressing; the church office entry is located within the fourth bay from the south. A free-standing, open “tower” is located immediately southwest of the church and houses the carillon. A 1990, glass pavilion-like enclosure connects the church to the school building which is sheathed with a combination of brick and vertical board and topped, at both levels, with a flat roof. Windows of the first floor are in rectangular banks of multiple-light windows; most are fixed, but select lower-level openings are awning examples that open. Second-floor fenestration is largely regularly arranged and consists of slider examples. A solid brick section rises two stories approximately mid-way along the building and carries a large metal cross and lettering to spell out “SAINT MARY CATHOLIC SCHOOL.” A two-story and raised basement level rectory (1960) is located just north of the church. Originally free-standing, this structure, sheathed with a combination of brick and vertical board, is now connected to the complex. Slider windows are regularly placed along each of the upper two levels, while a series of three overhead garage doors punctuate the basement level of the building’s north facade. The interior of the church remains largely intact with eight sections of wooden pews radiating from the raised chancel. A marble altar and pulpit are located in front of a stone reredos that features a 7-foot statue of Christ that was crafted in 1984 by artist/woodcarver William Thalmayer. Thalmayer, who was born in Budapest, Hungary, worked at the Manitowoc Church Furniture Company. He died in 2000. The faceted glass wall (which cost $25,000) along the building’s original (south) entrance façade was done by Conrad Pickel, while Don Camplin of the Pickel Studios crafted the remainder of the stained-glass windows. The choir loft was added late in the plans and, as a result, partially obscures the faceted glass wall from view from the interior. Restoration work on the faceted glass wall (which included a protective covering) was recently completed by Andrew Paremski of Enterprise Art Glass in Milwaukee. The interior of the school was not inspected, however, from the hallway, it was readily apparent that terrazzo floors remain intact. St. Mary’s Catholic Church was established in September 1949 as St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception and they received their charter on 1 January 1950. By fall of that year, a school (grades 1 through 8) was established in which 229 children were enrolled. Catholic Memorial, located immediately to the north, had a chapel in which they worshipped and classes were held there as well. In 1953, a new, two-story school building was completed, which included convent quarters on the second level, as well as a gymnasium to the rear. That structure, as well as a two-story addition to the east end of the school and the two-story rectory (both completed in 1960), were designed by John J. Flad & Associates of Madison. On 8 December 1963, ground was broken for a new, Contemporary-style church (the design of which included additional office space to the north) that was designed by the Elm Grove firm of Wenzel, Zoller & Gunn. Dedication services were held on 14 January 1965. In February 1974, the church celebrated its 25th anniversary with a membership of 1,700. In 1998, construction began on a new entrance to the church (which connected the church to the school and included a small chapel at the rear/north); dedication occurred on 23 January 2000. A 'site file' exists for this property. It contains additional information such as correspondence, newspaper clippings, or historical information. It is a public record and may be viewed in person at the Wisconsin Historical Society, State Historic Preservation Office. - Site file named St. Mary's Catholic Church Complex
Bibliographic References:“St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Parish Directory, 2009,” Prepared by the congregation, Copy available at the church office, 225 S. Hartwell Avenue. St. Mary’s Catholic Church staff. “Parish History,” Available online at www.catholic4waukesha.org/sm-history.cfm, Accessed June 2014; “Spring City’s Past,” 55; John J. Flad & Associates, “Grade School and Convent for St. Mary’s Parish,” Original plans, 18 April 1952; John J. Flad & Associates, “St. Mary’s Grade School and Convent Addition,” and “Rectory for St. Mary’s Parish,” 14 August 1957; Wenzel Zoller Gunn, “New Church Building for St. Mary’s Parish,” Original plans, 31 October 1963; Wenzel Zoller Gunn, “Final School Additions,” 25 April 1966 (rev. 13 June 1966). All plans on file at the Wisconsin Architectural Archive, Milwaukee Public (Central) Library. The 2009 church directory, which includes the congregation’s history indicates that mass was held in the gym after the 1953 school was completed; however later, it cites that the congregation was not entirely independent of Catholic Memorial High until 1961.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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