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4628 GOLF DR | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record

4628 GOLF DR

Architecture and History Inventory
4628 GOLF DR | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:Lake Windsor Country Club - Clubhouse
Other Name:
Reference Number:227599
Location (Address):4628 GOLF DR
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:NE
Quarter/Quarter Section:NW
Year Built:1964
Survey Date:201420202022
Historic Use:country club
Architectural Style:Contemporary
Structural System:
Wall Material:Stone Veneer
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:The entrance to the building, shaded by a parabolic entryway, is on the north facade facing the parking lot. The south facade and the majority of the east and west facades are comprised of three circular masses. The Lake Windsor Golf Course clubhouse was constructed in 1964. It was designed by the Madison architectural firm of Krueger, Kraft & Associates. The front facade is clad with board and batten siding and highlighted by a central parabolic concrete rigid frame entryway. The rear of the building could be considered the primary elevation. It overlooks the golf course and consists of three, two-story lobes with wide expanses of glass and overhanging eaves. Ground level walls are clad with stone veneer, while the upper level is painted concrete. The interior of the clubhouse was completely renovated in 2006, and a renovation project is currently underway to redesign the facade. A large attached canopy will be erected to shelter the circular entry drive, and the board and batten will be replaced with stone veneer to match cladding elsewhere on the building. Planned future construction projects include replacement of the windows of the rear lobe sections. The golf course itself was designed by Melvin Busse and opened the same year as the clubhouse. Research did not reveal information regarding Busse, and a search identified the Lake Windsor Golf Course as his only design. No physical features or design elements of this course appear to be distinctive. As a result, only the clubhouse was surveyed. 2020: Resurveyed - altered appearance. Designed by Krueger, Kraft & Associates; façade has been renovated in recent years resulting in loss of central parabolic concrete rigid frame entryway; rear of building overlooks golf course and consists of three two-story lobes with wide expanses of glass and overhanging eaves; interior completely renovated in 2006. 2022: The Windsor Lake Country Clubhouse was designed by Krueger, Kraft & Associates of Madison and constructed in 1964. The Clubhouse’s irregular footprint consists of three, two-story lobes that form the side and rear elevations and radiate from the flat façade. It is topped by a flat roof with widely overhanging eaves. The center lobe’s eaves are accented with decorative brackets. The façade (north elevation) is comprised of three sections. The outer sections are symmetrical and feature windows separated by a panel of thin, regularly sized, light-colored stone laid horizontally. The center section rises slightly higher than the outer sections and is clad in lannon stone of various sizes, laid horizontally. The top quarter of the center section’s walls contains two rows of six, single-pane vinyl windows. The main entrance is centered on the façade and covered by a projecting flat roof with a rounded edge that is supported by square stone columns. The side and rear elevations are clad in a combination of the thin, regularly sized stone and stucco. The rear lobes feature continuous rows of single-pane vinyl windows. Windows on the upper story have single-light transoms. The interior was completely renovated in 2006 and the façade was reconfigured in c. 2015. As originally designed, the center section of the façade was the same height as the outer sections and was clad in horizontal board and batten siding. Mostly notably, it featured a central parabolic concrete rigid frame entryway.
Bibliographic References:“Architecture and History Survey: IH 39/STH 19” WHS project number 14-0708DA. April 2014. Prepared by Megan Daniels. Tim Gotzion, phone interview by Mead & Hunt, Inc., 18 November 2014. Shari Gasper, “Legacy Business: Lake Windsor Golf Club celebrates 50th Anniversary,” DeForest Times-Tribune, 13 August 2014. World Golf, “Martin Busse,” (accessed 15 February 2015).
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, "Historic Name", "Town", "County", "State", "Reference Number".