1416 HOPEWELL ROAD | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record


Architecture and History Inventory
1416 HOPEWELL ROAD | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:
Other Name:
Reference Number:242813
Location (Address):1416 HOPEWELL ROAD
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:NE
Quarter/Quarter Section:NE
Year Built:1950
Survey Date:20202021
Historic Use:house
Architectural Style:
Structural System:
Wall Material:Aluminum/Vinyl Siding
Other Buildings On Site:Y
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:01/2021:The property includes a ca. 1975 dwelling (a), ca. 1940 gambrel barn (b), and a ca. 1940 metal corn crib (c) associated with numerous non-historic-age barns, outbuildings, grain bins, and silos. The side-gabled dwelling on a raised basement (a) replaced an earlier residence depicted on historic mapping as late as 1962. It has an asphalt shingle roof, vinyl siding, brick veneer skirting along the foundation wall, 1/1 vinyl windows, and an integral garage. The gambrel bank barn (b) was likely associated with the original farm complex and features a replacement metal roof, replacement metal cladding, a masonry foundation wall, a sliding metal door accessed by a concrete ramp, and a shed addition on the southwestern façade. The metal corn crib (c) is located in front of the barn. The barn (b) is visible on 1951 and 1955 historic aerial imagery and the 1952 Montfort quadrangle map associated with a no-longer-extant dwelling and at least two no-longer-extant agricultural outbuildings (NETR 2020; USGS 1952). The original dwelling was replaced with the current dwelling (a) according to 1982 aerial imagery and is presumed to be of historic age (ca. 1975) (NETR 2020). A building is reflected on the 1902 Lancaster quadrangle map that is no longer extant. 12/2021: The farmstead remains in the same condition as during its 2020 survey. Research has not yielded additional information on this property. This farmstead stands on the north side of Hopewell Road about one mile west of Rock Church Road. It was previously surveyed in 2020. Aerial photographs show this farmstead has been present since at least 1940, but the original farmhouse is nonextant. The farm consists of a ca 1975 split-level ranch house, ca 1940 gambrel barn, a ca 1940 metal corncrib, and at least four non-historic outbuildings and structures. While the current house is historic in age, it is not architecturally distinctive. It has a partially exposed concrete foundation, vinyl lap siding, and gable roof with asphalt shingles. The large historic bank barn is set at the north end of the farmstead. It has a concrete base and metal-clad walls and gambrel roof. A concrete ramp leads to a sliding metal side door; basement entrances have missing or replacement doors. A shed-roof addition is set off the southwest corner. The barn is dwarfed by a large modern metal machine shed that is set on the south side of the farm.
Bibliographic References:Grant County GIS Services 2020 Grant County Parcel Viewer. https://gis.co.grant.wi.gov/Parcel_Explorer/, accessed October 6, 2020. Nationwide Environmental Title Research (NETR) 2020 Historic Aerials Viewer. Electronic document, https://www.historicaerials.com/viewer, accessed October 6, 2020. U. S. Geological Survey (USGS) 1952 Monfort 1: 24, 000 Topographic Quadrangle Map. Reston, VA. Wisconsin Historical Society (WHS) 1986 Cultural Resource Management in Wisconsin: A Manual for Historic Properties, Volumes 1- 3. Historic Preservation Division. State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Copy provided by the Wisconsin Historical Society.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, "Historic Name", "Town", "County", "State", "Reference Number".