309 N 3RD ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record

309 N 3RD ST

Architecture and History Inventory
309 N 3RD ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:Silas and Elizabeth Symes House
Other Name:
Reference Number:25399
Location (Address):309 N 3RD ST
City:River Falls
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:
Survey Date:19902014
Historic Use:house
Architectural Style:Craftsman
Structural System:
Wall Material:Clapboard
Architect: Arthur Symes (builder)
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:This one-and-one-half-story, Craftsman-style house is a front-gabled structure and includes gabled roof dormers to both the north and south, as well as a one-story, hipped-roof and enclosed porch to the north. Sheathed largely in narrow clapboard, the home’s primary entrance is centered along the front-gabled block and is topped with a gabled overhang with wooden knee braces. Square bays project from either side of the entrance and each is topped with a pent roof overhang with exposed rafters. A three-sided bay window projection is located directly above the front door, while a small square window is located to either side of the bay. The gabled peak is a combination of vertical board trim and stucco, at the center of which is another square window. Leaded glass is featured within the top pane of both first and second-floor window arrangements, while wooden lighting is apparent in the second-floor bay and gabled peak windows. Decorative wooden bargeboard trim accents all roof gables.

This house was built circa 1918 for Silas and Elizabeth Symes. Silas, born in London, England, in 1852, and his brother Arthur, along with both of their wives, came to the United States in 1873 aboard the ship Greece. Census information indicates that Silas--variously identified as either a carpenter or architect--and Elizabeth resided in either River Falls or the Town of Troy from their arrival through approximately 1906, when they moved to Minot, North Dakota. They then appear to have briefly resided in Canada, after which they returned to River Falls. They appear to have lived in the subject home for no more than a few years, as it was sold in 1920 to George and Hannah Rattray (often incorrectly spelled as Rattery), by which time Silas is identified without an occupation (presumably retired). Elizabeth died in 1926 and Silas moved to Benson County, North Dakota, where he lived with his daughter Livonia Maddock. Silas died in Arthur, North Dakota, on 6 August 1939.

The Rattrays owned the house through 1929, although their actual occupation of the home remains in question, as a 1925 citation in the local paper indicates that an FA Burke moved to the house. And, in 1929, it was rented out to Jeff and Joyce Smith (the Rattrays are again enumerated in the 1930 census in the Town of Kinnickinnic, St. Croix County). In 1936, the same year that George Rattray died, the house was sold to Chris J. Nelson, a city employee, who remained in the home with his wife Amelia, until at least 1940.
Bibliographic References:1990 information cites the home's builder as Arthur Symes. Since Silas was also a carpenter/architect, it is possible Silas was responsible for the home's design. Tax Rolls, 1916, owner Silas Symes ($500/land + $200/buildings), 1917 tax roll not available, 1918 ($500 + $3,600); 1920, owner George Rattery ($500 + $4,875); “New York, Passenger Lists, 1820-1957,” Available online at www.Ancestry.com, Accessed June 2015; U.S. Federal Census, Population, 1900, 1920 (the Symes’ are confirmed as residing in the home as of 1920); Wisconsin State Census, 1895 (a search of the Symes family could not be found in the 1880 census, nor the 1910 census; they did, however, come up on the 1911 Canada Census); Newsbrief (re: Silas Symes moves to N.D.), RFJ, 26 April 1906; Mrs. Silas Symes, Obituary, RFJ, 7 October 1926, 8/1; “Silas Symes, Old City Resident, Died Last Sunday,” RFJ, 10 August 1939, 1/2. Tax Rolls, 1930, 1936 (Hannah’s name is now crossed off and Chris J. Nelson is written in); Newsbrief (re: FA Burke moves to Rattary [sic] residence on Third Street); RFJ, 17 September 1925; Newsbrief (re: Jeff Smith moved to the Rattery house on Third), RFJ, 21 November 1929; U.S. Federal Census, Population, 1930, 1940.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory Citation
Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, "Historic Name", "Town", "County", "State", "Reference Number".