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112 S WATER ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record


Architecture and History Inventory
112 S WATER ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:C.B. Styles Dry Goods Store
Other Name:Polack's Pizza
Contributing: Yes
Reference Number:28020
Location (Address):112 S WATER ST
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1865
Survey Date:1989
Historic Use:retail building
Architectural Style:Italianate
Structural System:
Wall Material:Brick
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name: Water Street Commercial Historic District
National Register Listing Date:11/12/1992
State Register Listing Date:7/3/1992
National Register Multiple Property Name:
Additional Information:This building dates back to approximately pre-1868 and was owned by C.J.B. Styles. The early businesses occupying this building are unknown.

However, by 1888, this building was occupied by the F.N. Newton Drugstore. This drugstore was an ancestor of the Newton Brothers drugstore on the southeast corner of East Oak and Water streets in what was then known as the Opera Block (not extant). The Newton Pharmacy was started circa 1871 by John L. Mather. His brother-in-law, Orin I. Newton, operated it while Mather was prospecting for gold in Utah. Later, they were partners, until Mather sold his share to W.E. Briggs. Newton bought out Briggs in 1871. F.N. Newton who eventually ran the drugstore, was Orin's brother. Orin had two sons, George and Harry. Eventually, his brother F.N. Newton took over the establishment. In 1888, F.N. Newton offered drugs, medicines and chemicals as well as a complete line of homeopathic remedies, when he relocated the business to the C.B. Styles Brick Block. Newton's Pharmacy continued in this building until at least 1903. From 1903 to 1916, it continued as a pharmacy, but was operated by F.H. Chamberlain. Chamberlain owned the building as well. From 1922 to 1931, it continued as a drugstore. By 1925, H.O. Taylor owned the building, and he may have moved his drugstore from another location to this address.

The C.B. Styles Brick Block building gains local historical significance under Criterion A in association with Sparta's Patent Medicine and Drug Industry topic in association with Sparta's Industrial Theme. The building's range of historical significance ranges from pre-1888 to at least 1925 or so and is based on this building being the home of long-lived tradition of a community drugstore at this location.

Constructed of brick [presently painted], this two-story, two-bay building is an Italianate style commercial building characterized by a wide projecting iron cornice ornamented with paired brackets and paneled freize. Round arched window openings surrounded by brick voussoirs and accented by a thin arched moulding further characterize the upper facade. Metal windows and wood panels fill the window openings. A contemporary storefront featuring metal siding over the transom window area and a recessed metal and glass entrance are located on the lower story.

This Italianate styled commercial building has been altered by the filling-in of the windows with inappropriate metal windows smaller than the openings and wood panels and the addition of a 1963 contemporary storefront not in sympathy with the historic architectural character of the building.

Constructed in the mid-1860s, this building was built for C.J.B. Styles. This small commercial brick block, constructed in a similar manner to the Bancroft Hardware Store, built at the same time on the adjacent lot at 110 South Water Street, was used originally to house Styles' dry goods store, and the Fobes Dry Goods Store in the 1880s. The second floor was used as a dwelling.

The Bancroft Hardware Store does not meet the criteria of the NRHP for architectural significance because of a lack of integrity. Although much of the Italianate influenced details remain on the building, its architectural character has been diminished particularly by the alteration of the windows. However, the Bancroft building has sufficient architectural character to contribute to the Water Street Commercial Historic District. Examples of the Italianate style with more integrity are located at 117 East Oak (MO35/20), 118 South Water (MO23/35), 120 South Water, and 144 North Water (MO36/14).
Bibliographic References:(A) City of Sparta, WI, Community Development Office, Building Permit File. (B) Sparta Herald, Dec. 28, 1869; June 2, 1891; June 7, 1891. (C) City of Sparta, WI, Tax Records, 1868-1930. (D) Sanborn Insurance Maps 1884, 1889, 1894, 1900, 1911, 1922, 1931. (E) City of Sparta Property Tax Rolls, 1870-1940. (F) Annual Directory of Sparta, Wisconsin. Vol. 1. Chicago: Interstate Directory Co., 1897. (G) Sparta City Directory, 1903-1904. Sparta: R.C. Glover, Publisher, 1904. (H) City Directory of the City of Sparta, Wisconsin. Sparta: compiled and published by E.B. Bell, 1916. (I) Barney, Tyler Davis, "A History of the Growth of Sparta, Wisconsin, 1850-1890." (J) "History of Sparta" installment 31. History of Monroe County, Randolph A. Richards, 1912.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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