13847 Hatchery Rd | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record

13847 Hatchery Rd

Architecture and History Inventory
13847 Hatchery Rd | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:
Contributing: Yes
Reference Number:32597
Location (Address):13847 Hatchery Rd
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:SE
Quarter/Quarter Section:SW
Year Built:1929
Additions: 1930 1938 1939
Survey Date:19912022
Historic Use:hatchery/nursery
Architectural Style:Astylistic Utilitarian Building
Structural System:
Wall Material:Concrete
Other Buildings On Site:Y
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:A 'site file' exists for this property named 'Brule River Fish Hatchery'. It contains additional information such as correspondence, newspaper clippings, or historical information. It is a public record and may be viewed in person at the Wisconsin Historical Society, State Historic Preservation Office. 2022 DESCRIPTION AND HISTORICAL BACKGROUND The raceways and rearing ponds consist of seventeen concrete raceways (#1-15; #20-21), four earthen, rock-lined raceways (#16-19), and eight earthen, rock-lined raceways (#22-29). The first earthen raceways, #16 and #17, were constructed in 1929 downstream from the head pond. Two more earthen raceways #18 and #19 and the first rearing large pond, #23, were constructed in 1930 downstream from the previous earthen raceways. The first outdoor concrete raceways, #20 and #21, were constructed in 1937-1938 by the Works Progress Administration. The same year a pipeline was constructed from the dam at head pond to the interior of the rearing house (AHI 15954). The Civilian Conservation Corp also rock-lined the previously constructed earthen raceways in 1938. In 1939, the network of concrete raceways, #1-#15, were constructed downstream from the head ponds and west of the earthen raceways. The second large rearing pond, #22, was constructed in 1958 downstream from concrete raceways #1-15, and the ponds were rock lined. In 1964, two additional ponds, #24 and #25, were constructed downstream of the existing ponds. At this time and in 1967, the interior (east) sections of the concrete raceways were repaired. In 1968, the outside (west) sections of the concrete raceways were repaired and between 1968 and 1972, four additional rearing ponds, #26-29, were constructed downstream for a total of eight rearing ponds. The flood bypass channel was initially constructed in 1966 and was replaced in 1991. The waste treatment-settling pond was constructed in 1975. A hoop building was constructed over the concrete raceways in 1988 but was destroyed by snow brought by a blizzard in 1991. The Brule River State Fish Hatchery consists of the rearing house, a shop/garage building (AHI 32544), two residences (AHI 32543; 32593), two residence garages (244833; 32595), concrete dam (32545), seventeen concrete raceways (32597), four earthen rock-lined raceways, eight rearing ponds, a flood bypass channel, and a waste treatment settling pond. 1991 DESCRIPTION OF COMPLEX: This astylistic utilitarian raceway features an irregular shaped plan configuration, a concrete foundation and a concrete exterior. The Brule River State Fish Hatchery is located one and a half miles south of Brule off of Highway 27 in Douglass County. Located in the beautiful Brule River State Forest, the hatchery is a scenic, serene spot to view first hand how the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources raised fish. Built as a rearing station in 1927 the fish hatchery did not hatch eggs, but instead received all of the fish from other hatcheries. From the beginning of operations in 1927, until 1988, all of the raceways were outdoors. In 1988, a building was constructed over the raceways to protect the sensitive young fish raised in those areas. Presently, the Brule River Fish Hatchery does hatch eggs and raise fish. The addition of facilities to hatch eggs classifies the facility as a hatchery instead of a rearing station. The complex consists of two private residences, rearing buildings, a shop/office, a bridge, stairs, a fish hatchery and garages. (See Map Codes 29/19, 29/20, 29/21, 29/22, 30/4, 30/5). The buildings, mostly used for hatchery operations, are all built with pale adam green wood board and white wood trim. The residences differ in style, but are painted with the same color scheme. The buildings are in above average condition and the raceways are also beautifully kept. (Another Map Code for this raceway is 29/24).
Bibliographic References:A. Date of construction source: Kim Hansen. Brule River State Fish Hatchery. "The History of Brule River State Fish Hatchery." Unpublished manuscript, Brule River State Fish Hatchery, date unknown. Rhinelander Daily News. "Hatcheries Activity." Rhinelander Daily News, March 9, 1937: 2.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, "Historic Name", "Town", "County", "State", "Reference Number".