326 4TH AVE | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record

326 4TH AVE

Architecture and History Inventory
326 4TH AVE | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:Mary and Daniel M. Dulaney House
Other Name:
Contributing: Yes
Reference Number:41794
Location (Address):326 4TH AVE
County:Eau Claire
City:Eau Claire
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1888
Survey Date:1981
Historic Use:house
Architectural Style:Queen Anne
Structural System:
Wall Material:Clapboard
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name: Randall Park Historic District
National Register Listing Date:5/20/1983
State Register Listing Date:1/1/1989
National Register Multiple Property Name:Multiple Resources of Eau Claire
Additional Information:Rising two and a half stories above a stone foundation, the Dulaney house is an architecturally significant example of the Queen Anne style. The irregularly massed residence is sided with both clapboards and shingles and is distinguished by a three story circular tower crowned by a conical roof. This tower was added between 1891 and 1906. Additional characteristics include multiple gables, a covered second story balcony, bay windows, and a front veranda. The building has been somewhat reduced by the loss of a porte-cochere (it was located on the south side) and decorative woodwork on the veranda and balcony. Metal cresting at the roof peaks has also been removed.

Daniel M. Dulaney, Jr. was born in Missouri in 1852. His father, William, and uncle, Daniel, were partners with J.H. McVeigh in a wholesale lumberyard operated in Hannibal, Missouri.

2016- "A three-story circular tower with conical roof, added between 1891 and 1906, distuinguishes this irregularly massed residence. Renovations have also removed several original features, including a porte-cochere on the south side.

Missouri lumberman Daniel M. Dulaney became a partner with Orrin H. ingram in the empire Lumber Company, which had its main office and sawmills in Eau Clarire. Formed in 1881, the company operated until 1899, when the local lumber industry was in decline due to depletion of timber resources. Dulaney and his wife lived in this house until 19110, when they bult a magnificent home at State and Garfield (no longer standing)."
-"Eau Claire Landmarks: Designated Historic Properties in Eau Claire, Wisconsin", Eau Claire Landmarks Commission, P.O. Box 5148, 2016.
In 1881 Dulaney and McVeigh became part of the newly formed Empire Lumber Company, which was capitalized at $800,000, and had its main ofice and sawmills in Eau Claire and wholesale yards in Winona, Minnesota and Hannibal. C.H. Ingram was president of this concern, while the Dulaneys served as vice-president and treasurer.

A year following the formation of the company, Daniel Dulaney, Jr. moved to Eau Claire whre he worked in the lumber company office assisting Clarence Chamberlin.

Dulaney remained with the Empire Lumber Company until his death in 1925. In 1910 he and his wife, Mary, sold this residence to M.S. Frawley, principal of the Eau Claire High School, and moved to 1504 State Street (no longer extant).
Bibliographic References:(A) Tax Assessment Rolls - UW-Eau Claire Area Research Center. (B) Eau Claire Illustrated, 1891-92. (C) Photo and pamphlet available at the Chippewa Valley Museum. (D) Twining, C.E. 1975. Downriver, p. 201, 203, 240. (E) Barland, L. 1965. The Rivers Flow On, p. 417. Eau Claire Landmarks booklet published by the Eau Claire Landmarks Commission in 2002.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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