333 W STATE ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record


Architecture and History Inventory
333 W STATE ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:Milwaukee Journal Building Addition
Other Name:Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel Complex
Contributing: Yes
Reference Number:41834
Location (Address):333 W STATE ST
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1962
Survey Date:20042010
Historic Use:small office building
Architectural Style:Late-Modern
Structural System:
Wall Material:Stone - Unspecified
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name: Milwaukee Journal Complex
National Register Listing Date:4/19/2021
State Register Listing Date:11/20/2020
National Register Multiple Property Name:
Additional Information:Previously surveyed in 1984 with a map code of 153/5 on a 392 map.

Milwaukee Connector Survey, Prepared by Heritage Research (2010). DOE prepared by Heritage Research (2010).

See AHI# 29949 and 41836 for additional information.

2010: The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel complex consists of the original 1924, Art Deco, pink Kasota limestone office building (#29949), a 1961 addition off of the east facade of the original structure (#41834) and a hyphen-connected, 1918, four-story, brick and cast concrete building with the address 918 N. 4th Street (#41836). Located at the southeast corner of N. 4th and W. State streets, the main office building is five stories tall. The first and second floors are pierced by a regular series of two-story windows and entrances. The primary (north) facade is separated into seven such window bays, while the longer, west facade consists of ten examples. These windows are typically fixed panes in squareof round-arch openings. Windows on other levels are regularly spaced; replacement rectangular examples topped with either semi-circular or square, carved stone panels. A carved stone frieze, with characters six feet high depicts a historical narrative of communications. A 1961 Contemporary-style addition projects from the east facade of the 1924 building. The addition ranges from three to six stories and is sheathed with brick. Windows are minimal and generally consist of single-pane openings in a continuous band on the primary (north) facade and seen in separated bays on the east facade. Decorative metal grates cover some of the windows at the upper levels. The third building (1918) is connected to the south side of the 1924 structure via a narrow, two-story, metal-enclosed walkway. The four-story building is fabricated with brick and cast concrete. The structure rises to a flat roof that has been further raised by a metal-panel screen--the entire south facade is covered with the same type of screen. The main (west) facade's first level is divided into eight bays that consist of seven square-shaped, multiple-pane window arrangements and one recessed entrance. Brick pilasters and carved stonework create the building's asymmetrical facade, wile windows generally consist of single-pane openings on the primary (west) elevation. Remaining windows are typically six-over-six, double-hung sashes. A fourth story was added to this structure in 1923, and it was remodeled circa 1960.

The original Milwaukee Journal building was constructed in 1924 and designed by Frank D. Chase of Chicago. The sculptured panels were completed by Arthur Weary. In 1961 an addition designed by the firm of Eschweiler & Eschweiler was built off the east facade of the 1924 buiding. In 1962, the Milwaukee Journal purchased the four-story, brick building (1918) directly to the south of the 1924 structure and connected the two buildings via a metal-clad walkway. The Art Deco building was constructed for the Milwaukee Journal newspaper while the rival Milwaukee Sentinel would later occupy the the 1918-constructed building. The Journal and the Sentinel would merge into the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel--the largest daily newspaper in Wisconsin.
Bibliographic References:Zimmerman, H. Russel, The heritage Guidebook: Landmarks and Historical Sites in Southeastern Wisconsin (Milwaukee, WI; Heritage Banks, 1978) 114; City of Milwaukee Building Permit -- 333 W. State Street (1933, 1961) and 918 N. 4th Street (1918, 1923, 1960). Pagel, Mary Ellen & Virginia A Palmer, University Extension The University of Wisconsin, Guides to Historic Milwaukee: Kilbourntown Walking Tour, 1967.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, "Historic Name", "Town", "County", "State", "Reference Number".