415 E 2ND ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record

415 E 2ND ST

Architecture and History Inventory
415 E 2ND ST | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:Ezra Glover Jr. House
Other Name:
Contributing: Yes
Reference Number:47879
Location (Address):415 E 2ND ST
County:St. Croix
City:New Richmond
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1907
Survey Date:1983
Historic Use:house
Architectural Style:Colonial Revival/Georgian Revival
Structural System:
Wall Material:Clapboard
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name: Glover, Ezra, Jr., House
National Register Listing Date:5/31/1988
State Register Listing Date:1/1/1989
National Register Multiple Property Name:Multiple Resources of New Richmond
National/State Register Listing Name: New Richmond East Side Historic District
National Register Listing Date:10/3/2022
State Register Listing Date:5/20/2022
National Register Multiple Property Name:
Additional Information:Clapboard is the exterior fabric on this 2 story colonial revival home. The plan is rectangular with a two story rear addition added (using materials from outbuildings) when the house was used as a hospital. The hip roof has a box cornice and asphalt shingles covering it. The frieze under the eaves has small dentils. The pilaster endboards are wide. There is a wood water table over the rock faced foundation. Basement windows are visible. Windows have wood frames and entablature heads. On the front or south side is a gable roof dormer with boxed cornice and returns. It has a Palladian window. Directly below this is a box oriel window. It has a three part window with leaded glass in the upper part. On each side of this is one paired 9/1 window. The first story has a three part Queen Anne window with leaded glass in the top part. This is at the west section of the wall. East of this is the entry. The east section of this facade has a bay window with leaded glass in the top. A one story full front porch is screened in. There is sawn woodwork on the screen frames. The screen is placed behind the porch railing and columns. The porch roof is flat and has a box cornice and small dentil moldings. The foundation has wood lattice work between rock faced supports. Porch columns are round and have capitals. A single column is at each end of the porch and paired columns flank the centered entrance. Turned wood railings are on the porch and on the side of the steps leading to the porch. The east side of this residence has a pedimented gable dormer with two windows on it. There are pilaster endboards on this. At the south side of the wall is one window at each story. North of this is a 1 1/2 story box oriel window with sawn wood brackets below it. A three part window with leaded glass in the upper part of the central section is on the second story. A door is at the groun dlevel directly beneath the oriel. North of this are a 1/1 window and a four pane window. The secopnd story addition with another first story entry and a 1/1 window on the second story is north of this. The srear addition has a second story window on the north and two second story and one first story window on the west section. The original rear of the house has two windows on each story at the west side. A gable dormer that is the same as the one on the east is on the west side. Two 1/1 windows are near each end of the wall. Two smaller square windows with mullions are between these and below the dormer. The south part of the first story has a four pane picture window. North of this is a three part window. They have the same entablature head but the center seciton is shorter than the other two. It has leaded glass. The interior has Tennessee oak woodwork. Plaster walls and ceilings appear to be in excellent condition. The residence was redone c.1950 when it was returned to use as a private home. A one story two car garage is at teh NE part of the property. Landscaping consists of bushes near the foundation and two large evergreens that flank the entry. The evergreens obscure the view of the house. The lot is a corner one so, except for the evergreens, the house is quite visible.d It stands out in the neighborhood because of its style and excellent condition. Significance This residence is an outstanding representation of the colonial revival style in New Richmond. It has retained its original character and integrity. The porch columns and railing, Palladian and leaded glass windows, as well as exterior and interior woodwork details combine to produce an excellent and locally architecturally significant residence. Background This house was supposed to have been built by Ezra Glover. He owned a general store and was cashier (c.1895-6) at the Manufacturer's Bank. In 1892, Glover was mauyor. An 1897 plat map shows E.A. Glover with a house here but it is set farther back and has a different shape than this one. The house does show up with t his plan in the 1927 Sanborn Map. This area was not hit by the 1899 tornado. It is possible the house was built by Glover after 1897 or that the plat map is inaccurate. The McNamara family moved here from a farm five miles NE of New Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. McNamara and two fo their children, Katherine and Margaret, lived here. Katherine was an art teacher in St. Paul. She would come home on weekends. Margaret was a registered nurse, having graduated form St. Paul's St. Joseph Hospital Program in 1916. She worked in St. Paul and later did private nursing in New Richmond, as well as caring for her mother. In 1928, Dr. Armstrong (see residence SC20-12, 367 West First Street) suggested that she take in a patient. From this one betient began New Richond's first and only hospital until HOly Family Hospital was opened in 1950. Usuallyb obstetrical care or minor surgery was performed here. Major cases would be taken care of in the Twin Cities. Four beds were in the living room and three in the dining room. The second story had four more rooms for patients, a delivery room and a nursery. The rear addition contained two rooms. The McNamara sisters would often sleep on the front porch, in the attic or at a neighbors when the house was full. When Holy Family opened, Katherine went to work there and the residence became a private home again. Margaret died only last year and Katherine still lives here (age 98 1/2 years). Significance: This residence served as New Richmond's first and only hospital for over 20 years. It offered clinical care iwth personalized service. As the only place where proper or standardized medical care could be obtained, this house hadd a significant role in teh early 20th century development of the community. Note: Property deeded to E.A. Glover June 6, 1890. Property deeded to the McNamara's, Aubust 5, 1921.
Bibliographic References:
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, "Historic Name", "Town", "County", "State", "Reference Number".