MONROE ST N | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record


Architecture and History Inventory
MONROE ST N | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:Building F - Paint and Upholstery Shop
Other Name:
Contributing: Yes
Reference Number:48234
Location (Address):MONROE ST N
County:St. Croix
City:North Hudson
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1904
Survey Date:1983
Historic Use:repair shop/roundhouse
Architectural Style:Astylistic Utilitarian Building
Structural System:Unknown
Wall Material:Brick
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name: Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railroad Car Shop Historic District
National Register Listing Date:10/4/1984
State Register Listing Date:1/1/1989
National Register Multiple Property Name:
Additional Information:Description: A T-shaped one story vernacualr 19th century industrial structure with a two-story east side projection, constructed of red pilastered brick with a flat roof, stone foundtion (not visible) with a rock-faced stone watertable, segmental entrance on east side of two-story projection. North Side: Series of large segmental windows with voussiors and lug sills (boarded). East Side: Segmental windwos on two stories with voussiors and stone lug sills, grouped in sets of three within corbell, recessed arches separated by brick pilasters (windows are boarded). South Side: Series of large scale rectangualr wood doors with small rectangular windows flanked by narrow sidelights. Background: "Little does the traveling public think of the owrk and expense placed upon a passenger coach while it is in service... It has to enter the shops, be renovated, reapried, reupholstered, and repainted throughout, - the letters reguilded and the ornamentation retouched...". Increased proeudtion spurred expansion of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha car shops in 1904. Wings were erectd to there existing strudctures and a second paint shop was erected on the north side of the yard. Unlike the original structure, large doors for the conveyance of railroad cars were only placed o nthe south facade of this building. Upholstering was a specific facet of car repairs perormed in the new paint shop. A two-story east side projection was partially used for brass cleaning and offices were moved to the second floor from the old store house.
Bibliographic References:A. "Occupied", Hudson Star-Times, March 20, 1891, page. 1. B. "Hudson Securies Great Railway SHops...", Hudson Star-Times, May 16, 1890, page. 1. C. Tenth Annual Report of the C., St.P., M., & O. Railway Co. (St. Paul: By Author, 1890). D. Eleventh Annual Report of the C., St.P., M., & O. Railway Co. (St. Paul: By Author, 1891). E. 35th Annual Report of the C., St.P., M., & O. Railway Co. (St. Paul: By Author, 1916). F. WCWRPC. Case Stuides: Adaptive Reuse Strategies. (Eau Claire: By Author, 1982), pp. 47-64. G. Sanborn-Perris Insurance Maps. (New York City: Sandborn Publishing Co., 1891, 1912, 1924). H. Solheim, It Happened In Hudson. (Hudson: Hudson Star-Observer, 1962). I. Opinion of Principal Investigator based on compiled documentation.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, "Historic Name", "Town", "County", "State", "Reference Number".