Property Record
22 S 3RD AVE
Architecture and History Inventory
Historic Name: | John Masse Hardware-Tin Shop |
Other Name: | Blue Ivy Clothing Store |
Contributing: | Yes |
Reference Number: | 49758 |
Location (Address): | 22 S 3RD AVE |
County: | Door |
City: | Sturgeon Bay |
Township/Village: | |
Unincorporated Community: | |
Town: | |
Range: | |
Direction: | |
Section: | |
Quarter Section: | |
Quarter/Quarter Section: |
Year Built: | 1872 |
Additions: | 1893 |
Survey Date: | 2006 |
Historic Use: | retail building |
Architectural Style: | Front Gabled |
Structural System: | Unknown |
Wall Material: | Aluminum/Vinyl Siding |
Architect: | |
Other Buildings On Site: | |
Demolished?: | No |
Demolished Date: |
National/State Register Listing Name: | Third Avenue Historic District |
National Register Listing Date: | 10/6/1983 |
State Register Listing Date: | 1/1/1989 |
National Register Multiple Property Name: |
Additional Information: | This well maintained, plainly detailed commercial building is of significance as the last remaining clapboard sided commercial structure within the District. A central oriel window, rectangular in plan and capped with a central pediment at its cornice, accents the primary facade of this otherwise vernacularly styled building. Although the storefront has been modernized, the original architectural character of this now unique building is remarkably intact. This building is an excellent, and only, example of a building type once common within the District. This building may have been built originally by James McIntosh but it appears that the building achieves its present form and appearance while under the ownership of John Masse. For this reason, the latter name has been used. John Masse owned a building on this site prior to the establishment of the City of Sturgeon Bay. In 1885 (the first extant City tax roll) Masse's building and property was valued at $600. The modest structure began undergoing steady improvements reaching a value of $800 by 1892. In 1893 Masse undertook a significant enlargement raising the value of his building to $1800. John Masse was the son of C.A. Masse, a Green Bay real estate tycoon. Notes from Stanley Greene, 10/82: The James McIntosh Store built and operated as a grocery store until its owner moved from the village in the early 1880's. The building has been doubled in length by later additions. In 2006: The building's original clapboard sheathing has been replaced or covered by vinyl sheathing and the first-floor south entrance has been infilled with board and a new door has been installed. When surveyed in 1982, the structure's name was DeMelle's Plumbing & Heating. Previously surveyed in 1982. |
Bibliographic References: | A. Sanborn Perris Maps of Sturgeon Bay, 1885. B. Tax Roll, City of Sturgeon Bay. C. Stanley Greene Papers. |
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin |