807 RIDGE AVE | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record


Architecture and History Inventory
807 RIDGE AVE | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:John F. Cance Carriage House
Other Name:
Reference Number:56630
Location (Address):807 RIDGE AVE
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1908
Survey Date:1981
Historic Use:carriage house
Architectural Style:English Revival Styles
Structural System:
Wall Material:Brick
Architect: G.H. Carsley, Cass Gilbert Arch. Office, St. Paul
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name: Cance, John, F., House
National Register Listing Date:9/18/1984
State Register Listing Date:1/1/1989
National Register Multiple Property Name:Multiple Resources of Galesville
Additional Information:The main house is also listed in the Architectural Inventory. (51793)

Directly to the south of the John F. Cance house is the original carriage house, a one and a half story shingled structure with a steeply pitched roof and decorative cupola. The carriage house has it original openings (except for the addition of a large aluminum garage door on the east facade), and is considered significant to the property.

The house was built for John F. Cance, a prominent 20th century Galesville businessman. When the house was constructed, Cance was Cashier at the Bank of Galesville, having rapidly worked his way up from an entry-level position. By 1930, he was named bank president and served in this capacity until his death in 1953. There is no evidence that he resided anywhere else in Galesville from the time this house was constructed until 1953. Besides his bank position, Cance was active in many community projects and businesses.

The house is significant because it represents a style of house unique in Galesville, and because it may be linked with the architectural firm of Cass Gilbert, a noted turn-of-the-century architect. The Tudor Revival details of this house do not appear significantly in any other Galesville residence. Although it is not, by itself, an outstanding example of the architectural style, its uniqueness in Galesville, quality, and high level of integrity make it a significant property in the community. The architect, G.H. Carsley, worked for the Cass Gilbert firm from at least 1896 to 1906 (city directory, available dates). At the time of this house's construction, most of the Midwest work of the firm was being done by Gilbert's St. Paul staff, while Gilbert was working on major projects on the East Coast. The progressive nature of this design, however, suggests the progressivism of the office, known to have disseminated popular eastern architectural styles to the midwest.
Bibliographic References:(A) Blueprints in possession of owner, 1908. (B) St. Paul City Directories, 1896-1906. (C) Bank of Galesville, 100 Years 1883-1983 Bank of Galesville, 1983. (D) Murphy, P.A. Cass Gilbert. Minnesota Master Architect, pamphlet prepared for exhibition, no date.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, "Historic Name", "Town", "County", "State", "Reference Number".