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1416 GRAND AVE | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record


Architecture and History Inventory
1416 GRAND AVE | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:St. Andrew Church
Other Name:St. Andrew's Catholic Church
Reference Number:57850
Location (Address):1416 GRAND AVE
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1950
Survey Date:1985
Historic Use:church
Architectural Style:Late Gothic Revival
Structural System:Unknown
Wall Material:Concrete
Architect: Foeller, Schober, Berners, Safford and Jahn
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:A 'site file' titled "St. Andrew Parish Complex" exists for this property. It contains additional information such as correspondence, newspaper clippings, or historical information. It is a public record and may be viewed in person at the Wisconsin Historical Society, State Historic Preservation Office.

2017- "The St. Andrew Parish Complex consists of two contributing buildings (the church/rectory [57850]; and the school/convent [57851]); one non-contributing building (a modern garage, clad in vinyl siding and constructed around 2000); and four non-contributing objects (a playground equipment set, a bell, a sign, and a flagpole). The complex occupies the entirety of a large lot between S. 14th and S. 16th Streets. The buildings are located at the east edge of the property and front onto S. 14th Street. A paved parking lot is located at the rear (west) of the two buildings, and a large grass playground occupies the west half of the lot. Landscaping on the property is modest and includes several trees and paved walkways.

St. Andrew Church is roughly rectangular in plan and consists of a gabled main block containing the nave and sanctuary, with a two-story eastern portion containing entry vestibule, mothers' room, and restrooms on the first floor and choir loft above. A prominent square tower is located towards the rear of the main block. A hip-roofed, two story rectory is located behind the tower; the entry to the rectory faces onto Grand Avenue. Additional one-story flat-roofed entry vestibules to the church are located on either side of the two-story portion and at the base of the tower. The entire building complex is clad in random ashlar stone with smooth stone sills, copings, and accents. The rear elevations of the second story of the rectory are clad in wide aluminum siding. The tower has a copper roof, and the church and rectory have a shingled roof. The current shingles were installed in the early 2000s, along with all of the current replacement windows in the rectory.

The front facade of St. Andrew Church faces east onto S. 14th Street. The elevation consists of a central gable flanked by flat buttresses. A large, flattened pointed arch window with gothic tracery work dominates the elevation. Below the large window, at entry level, is a pair of metal double entry doors topped with a flattened pointed arch transom. The door is flanked on each side by a small metal-and-­glass light fixture. One stained glass window is located on either side between the entry door and the buttresses. Each buttress is set on a cut-stone base with a decoratively molded water table. The entry door surround is carved with religious symbols representing the church's namesake. To the left of the door is a date stone reading "Saint Andrew I 1949".

The south and north (side) elevations are similar. Each contains the two-story entry portion, with small, one-story, flat-roofed entry vestibules and two windows above. The main body of the church, corresponding to the nave inside, is four bays long. Each bay is articulated by buttresses with decorative coping. The three eastern bays on each elevation have full-height, pointed arch windows, while westernmost bay on each elevation contains a small, projecting side chapel with a shortened pointed arch window above. The sanctuary portion of the church is located at the west end; on both north and south elevations, it is expressed with a one-story, flat-roofed sacristy with a tall window above. The west (rear) elevation of the sanctuary is blank, with only a small glass-block window (not visible on the interior, due to its location behind the back altar). The tower is located at the west end of the south elevation. The tower contains an entry door, three small windows above, and paired arches with louvers and vertical mouldings. The tower is capped with an octagonal drum with a flattened roof, surmounted by a cross. Opposite the tower, on the north elevation of the church, a one-story, flat-roofed hyphen connects the church to the school.

Inside, the church has plaster walls and acoustical tile ceilings, with laminated wood beams, the vertical elements of which were cased in drywall around 1999. The floors are ceramic tile, installed in 1999. The stained glass windows, which were designed and produced by the Conrad Schmitt Studios of Milwaukee, depict religious figures and events. On the back wall of the sanctuary, the church retains its original high altar, designed by the Swoboda Church Furniture Company of Kewaunee. As described at the church's dedication, the high altar has "a walnut cross laid upon a bleached African mahogany cross set off by natural oak. The corpus is of bleached basswood, hand carved [ ... ] and suspended under a natural oak canopy".

Saint Andrew Rectory, 1950
Foeller, Schober, Berners, Safford & Jahn

The rectory is attached to the southwest corner of the church through the tower and the south sacristy. The rectory was designed and built concurrently with the church. The south (front) elevation of the rectory faces onto Grand Avenue. The front door is approached by a stoop with half wall, and topped with a copper canopy which mimics the roof shape of the tower. The front door is flanked by double hung windows, with three double hung windows evenly spaced above. The middle portion of the south elevation contains a slightly-projecting, hipped-roof bay which contains two windows at each story.

At the west end of the rectory is a one-story, shed-roofed wing. Due to the slope of the site, the basement story of this wing is fully exposed and contains a two-bay garage facing west onto the parking lot. Above the garage, in the main story, are several windows including single and paired double hungs and a large picture window. Like the rest of the rectory, the garage wing is clad in Lannon stone; however, the north and west second-story portions of the hipped-roof part of the rectory are clad in aluminum siding, both because of their inconspicuous locations, as well as the structural limitations of the building's plan.

The interior of the rectory was not accessible during the writing of this DOE. No information was available regarding its current condition."
-"Saint Andrew Parish Complex", WisDOT#14-0876, Prepared by UWM-CRM, (2017).
Bibliographic References:(A) Marker.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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Wisconsin Historical Society, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, "Historic Name", "Town", "County", "State", "Reference Number".