10164 N CEDARBURG RD | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society

Property Record


Architecture and History Inventory
10164 N CEDARBURG RD | Property Record | Wisconsin Historical Society
Historic Name:
Other Name:
Reference Number:70252
Location (Address):10164 N CEDARBURG RD
Unincorporated Community:
Quarter Section:
Quarter/Quarter Section:
Year Built:1864
Survey Date:19902011
Historic Use:house
Architectural Style:Gabled Ell
Structural System:
Wall Material:Log
Other Buildings On Site:
Demolished Date:
National/State Register Listing Name:Not listed
National Register Listing Date:
State Register Listing Date:
Additional Information:1990:
This small log building has a side gable form, a low-pitched roof, and a side wing. The large logs are hand-hewn and filled in with chinking. The corners are dovetailed. Windows are multiple-pane double-hung sashes.

There are a number of log structures reported to be in the city; many of them covered with siding. This house is one of the best preserved known example of log houses in Mequon.

2011: The tollgate north of Thiensville was built on the northwest corner of Highland Road and Cedarburg Road. The intersection has been considerably widened over the years. Due to this, the tollgate likely sat within the present-day southbound lane just north of Highland Road. The accompanying photo shows the position of the tollgate from the north facing south towards Thiensville. Aside from this photo, plat map location and a few references in various travelers manuals, there is very little historical evidence of this tollgate or its use after 1912. The building was removed at some point after 1912.

The tollgate south of Thiensville was located at 10164 N. Cedarburg Road, approximately 1/4 mile south of Donges Bay Road. The accompanying photo shows the position of the tollgate from the south facing north towards Donges Bay Road/Thiensville. The original log tollbooth was was built by Frederick Milbrath in 1864 on land purchased (and gifted) by his father, Charles, in 1839. In 1884 the land and its contents, including wagons and animals, were assessed at $3500.00. Milbrath sold his home and property to John Oppel in 1885. Oppel shared the duties of tollgate operator with his sister Anne. The plank road was eventually sold to Milwaukee County on March 7, 1899, and the tollgate was discontinued in 1912.

The log building which housed the south tollgate remained in very good condition throughout the 20th century. According to current property owners Lynn and James Wagner, the log building was used as a private residence for almost 100 years before being removed to accommodate their wish to build a larger home. The Wagners did not seek out a historical designation for the log structure, allowing them to consider several options for the future of the building. They eventually sold the structure to a private owner who had the cabin disassembled and moved to a property in Winter, Wisconsin in September, 2008 where it was reassembled to its original form.
Bibliographic References:[a] Plat Maps for the city of Mequon, 1867-1980, on file at the Mequon Historical Society, Mequon, Wisconsin, or the Archives at the State Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin. [b] Tax Rolls for the city of Mequon, 1857-1930, on file at the library, Mequon, Wisconsin. [c] Field observation based on architectural and historical information. [d] Information from the owner of the property. [e] Information from the building's datestone or inscription. [f] Freistadt Historical Society, Freistadt and the Lutheran Immigration, Mequom: Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1989. [g] L. Rehm, Mequon History, on file at the Mequon Historical Society, Mequon, Wisconsin. [h] C.W. Butterfield, History of Washington and Ozaukee Counties, Chicago: Western Publishing Company, 1880. [i] Information from the Mequon Landmarks Commission, Mequon, Wisconsin. Information regarding the south tollgate from Historic Ozaukee county, Then and Now Facebook page.
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin

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