Property Record
Architecture and History Inventory
Historic Name: | |
Other Name: | |
Contributing: | Yes |
Reference Number: | 94124 |
Location (Address): | 310 N EAST AVE |
County: | Waukesha |
City: | Waukesha |
Township/Village: | |
Unincorporated Community: | |
Town: | |
Range: | |
Direction: | |
Section: | |
Quarter Section: | |
Quarter/Quarter Section: |
Year Built: | 1875 |
Additions: | |
Survey Date: | 1991 |
Historic Use: | house |
Architectural Style: | Front Gabled |
Structural System: | Balloon Frame |
Wall Material: | Clapboard |
Architect: | |
Other Buildings On Site: | |
Demolished?: | No |
Demolished Date: |
National/State Register Listing Name: | McCall Street Historic District (Boundary Increase) |
National Register Listing Date: | 3/29/1993 |
State Register Listing Date: | 1/1/1989 |
National Register Multiple Property Name: |
Additional Information: | |
Bibliographic References: |
Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory, State Historic Preservation Office, Wisconsin Historical Society, Madison, Wisconsin |