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Crossing the Line: The Milwaukee Fair Housing Marches of 1967-1968 | Wisconsin Historical Society

General Information

Crossing the Line: The Milwaukee Fair Housing Marches of 1967-1968

A Traveling Display

Crossing the Line: The Milwaukee Fair Housing Marches of 1967-1968 | Wisconsin Historical Society
Crossing the Line Web Page Banner
EnlargeA man holds a sign that reads, "We Demand Fair Housing Now," while others behind him use a bullhorn.

Protesters for Fair Housing

Milwaukee, Wisconsin. View the original source document: WHI 97930

EnlargeFair Housing March

School Desegregation Picketers

Milwaukee, Wisconsin. View the original source document: WHI 4993

EnlargeFather James Groppi and NAACP Youth Council members march for fair housing in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Fair Housing March

Milwaukee, Wisconsin. View the original source document: WHI 25167

EnlargeWHI 48149

Father Groppi and Vel Phillips on Hood of Bus

Milwaukee, Wisconsin. View the original source document: WHI 48149

How do citizens work for change when faced with injustice? How can individuals make a difference?

The traveling display "Crossing the Line: The Milwaukee Fair Housing Marches of 1967-1968" commemorates the 50th anniversary of Milwaukee's civil rights marches by examining the practices and prejudices that led to segregation in Milwaukee and chronicling the school desegregation and fair housing movements of the 1960s. It also asks the question, "What can you do to end segregation today?"

The Wisconsin Historical Society currently provides this display to schools, public libraries, historical societies and civic organizations in Wisconsin. To request "Crossing the Line" for your organization, please email

To browse the Wisconsin Historical Society's other traveling displays, click here.

What's in the Display?

The eight panels of "Crossing the Line" tell the story of Milwaukee's civil rights marches in simple language, with reproductions of 33 historic photographs and documents. The display is most suitable for secondary schools and the general public.

View the complete contents of each panel here (PDF, 5 MB).

This exhibit contains language and images that may be offensive to some viewers. The Wisconsin Historical Society does not condone the use of this language but includes it as an accurate reflection of society in the time shown.

A teacher's curriculum guide that includes documents on the civil rights movement in Wisconsin and a digital collection are also available (see below).

The Wisconsin Historical Society gratefully acknowledges the Milwaukee County Historical Society, Wisconsin Black Historical Society and Museum, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and March on Milwaukee 50th Anniversary Coordinating Committee for their help developing content for "Crossing the Line."

General Description

4 freestanding, double-sided poly fabric banners, 39" x 87", on retractable banner stands

Rental Fee & Travel

$100, plus transport

Two copies of the display are available for rental, based in Madison and Milwaukee. Renters are responsible for arranging transport to and from their venue; in some cases, venues may be able to make arrangements with preceding or following venues if scheduling allows.

Proceeds from traveling exhibit rentals support the Society's ongoing outreach programs and activities.


Up to 4 weeks. Venues may schedule the display for more than 4 weeks for an additional fee.

During Black History Month, duration will be limited 2 weeks to accommodate increased demand for the display.

Space Required

180 sq. ft.

Dates and Locations

See our events calendar for full details.

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