Records Management Guidelines
Records Management in Wisconsin
Records are essential to the operation of state and local governments and are an invaluable source for historical research. Wisconsin law protects public records by defining them and specifying steps for their care, preservation, access, transfer to successors in office, disposition, and in some cases transfer to the Wisconsin Historical Society.
Records are defined in Wis. Stat. § 16.61(2)(b)[1] as "all books, papers, maps, photographs, films, recordings, optical discs, electronically formatted documents, or other documentary materials, regardless of physical form or characteristics, made or received by any state agency or its officers or employees in connection with the transaction of public business." Wisconsin statute § 19.21(1) specifies that public records constitute "all property and things received from the officer's predecessor or other persons and required by law to be filed, deposited, or kept in the officer's office, or which are in the lawful possession or control of the officer or the officer's deputies."
The following sections are intended to help public employees manage their records.
Digital Readiness Levels
This video was created by Recollection Wisconsin to introduce the Digitail Rediness Levels which provide a roadmap for successful digitization projects. Wisconsin Historical Records Advisory Board and the National Historical Publication and Records Commission.
Introduction to Records Management
Information on the reasons behind a records management program, and the benefits of records management.
Electronic Records Management
This webinar presents electronic records management tools and techniques. This webinar was recorded as part of a series of workshops sponsored by the Wisconsin Historical Records Advisory Board and the National Historical Publication and Records Commission it is aimed at local government units, but the tools apply to the management of both state and local records management in Wisconsin.
Local Records Management
This webinar presents an overview of public records management for local government units including records scheduling, notification, and disposition. This webinar was recorded as part of a series of workshops sponsored by the Wisconsin Historical Records Advisory Board and the National Historical Publication and Records Commission.
Establishing a Records Management Program
Steps to take if your organization needs to implement a records management program.
Records Schedules
Records schedules are a tool for controlling the retention of your records.
Statutes and Rules
Records management has its foundations in state statutes.