Edwards-Larson House Listed in the State Register of Historic Places | Wisconsin Historical Society

News Release

Edwards-Larson House Listed in the State Register of Historic Places

For Immediate Release (September 20, 2021)

Edwards-Larson House Listed in the State Register of Historic Places | Wisconsin Historical Society

McFarland, WI. - The Wisconsin Historical Society placed the Edwards-Larson House (McFarland, Dane County) on the State Register of Historic Places on August 20, 2021.

Norwegian heritage is reflected in the settlement history of McFarland. While some early residents migrated directly from Norway, others were born in this country to Norwegian parents. The Village of McFarland was founded by William McFarland who came from England and was of Scottish descent; virtually all of the rest of the population was Norwegian during the early days of settlement. The first three occupants of the Edwards-Larson home were first-generation Norwegian Americans. These families loved music, were faithful Lutherans, desired a good education for their children, and displayed a hardworking entrepreneurial spirit.

The Edwards-Larson House is a prominent and beautiful example of the Queen Anne style, having the characteristics that define it: the large massing and compound roof form, a variety of finishes including clapboard and shingle siding, projecting gables and cutaway bays providing visual interest, decorative wood embellishments in the gables, a full porch with turned columns, delicate fretwork, and wood balusters, original doors at the front entrance, and a decorative baluster at the top of the hipped porch roof. The house also has a highly intact interior retaining its historic plan, original features and finishes including wood floors, front hall stairway and balustrade, plaster walls and ceilings, wood window, door and wall trim, and pocket doors. These design details convey the architectural significance of the Queen Anne style and it is one of the most distinct examples of the style in McFarland.

The State Register is Wisconsin's official list of state properties determined to be significant to Wisconsin's heritage. The State Historic Preservation Office at the Wisconsin Historical Society administers both the State Register and National Register in Wisconsin.

To learn more about the State and National Register programs in Wisconsin, visit www.wisconsinhistory.org.