Wisconsin (state)

Wisconsin was admitted to the Union by act of Congress on May 29, 1848. As soon as possible after the close of the second constitutional convention, notice was given in Congress (Feb. 21, 1848), by the territorial representative, the Hon. John H. Tweedy, of his intention to introduce a second bill for the admission of Wisconsin into the Union (the first bill had not taken effect because the voters of Wisconsin rejected the first, 1846, draft constitution).
March 13, 1848, the people of the territory voted on the new constitution, and it was approved by a vote of 16,799 to 6,384. On March 16, President Polk in a special message submitted to Congress the Wisconsin constitution with accompanying documents. On March 20, Mr. Tweedy introduced his bill, which on April 13 was favorably reported from the committee on territories, read first and second times and referred to the committee of the whole. It was made a special order for May 9, and on the llth was engrossed, read a third time and passed. The Senate at once took action, and a week later, May 19, the bill was concurred in and ten days later, May 29, was approved by the president.
View more information at Turning Points in Wisconsin History.
Turning Points in Wisconsin History; Wisconsin: comprising sketches of counties, towns, events, institutions, and persons, arranged in cyclopedic form, ed. by Ex-Gov. Geo. W. Peck (Madison, Wis., Western Historical Association, 1906).