Civil War: Wisconsin Statistics

Battle of Gettysburg Panorama #1724, 1889
Stereograph from H.H. Bennett's Chicago Panorama of the Battle of Gettysburg representing Pickett's charge. View the original source document:
WHI 25717
In the decades following the war, state officials gathered together the government records created at the time.
After combing through them all, they concluded in 1895 that:
"...according to the official records the total number of men Wisconsin is credited with having furnished to the war is 91,327, divided as follows:
- Infantry 77,375
- Cavalry 8,877
- Artillery 5,075
Of this number, 3,802 were killed in action or died of wounds, and the number of deaths from all other causes 8,499.
Total deaths, 12,301."
[Source: Wisconsin Census Enumeration, 1895: Names of Ex-soldiers and Sailors Residing in Wisconsin... (Madison: Secretary of State, 1896), page vi]