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Is Your Property Eligible for the National Register or State Register | Wisconsin Historical Society

General Information

Is Your Property Eligible for the National Register or State Register of Historic Places?

Is Your Property Eligible for the National Register or State Register | Wisconsin Historical Society

The National Register and State Register of Historic Places recognize properties that physically embody important aspects of local, state, and national history.

Criteria for Eligibility

Eligible properties must retain the essential physical appearance of the historical period in which they were important, and meet one of four criteria.

Be a good local example of an architectural style
To be individually eligible in the area of architecture, a property must retain the majority of its original architectural features and be a good example of the style and period.
Be associated with a person important in our past
The property must be the resource most closely related to a person's period and area of importance.
Represent an important historic trend or event
Represent an era, movement or trend in local, state or national history.
Have the potential to yield information
These types of properties are primarily archaeological sites.

Preparing Documentation Takes Time

Preparing documentation for nominating a property requires substantial time and energy. The National Register Questionnaire (PDF, 200 KB) provides an overview of the information you will need to gather.  Once documentation is completed and the nomination is submitted, historic preservation staff will review your documentation and provide an opinion about the property's eligibility.

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Have Questions?

Contact Ian Gort at 608-264-6502 or by email below: