Underwater Archaeology: Kids' Corner | Wisconsin Historical Society

General Information

Underwater Archaeology: Kids' Corner

Underwater Archaeology: Kids' Corner | Wisconsin Historical Society

Underwater archaeologists use clues from a wreck site to answer questions about the past, such as finding out why a ship sank and what life on the vessel was like for the sailors and passengers. There are approximately 700 shipwrecks in Wisconsin waters and each one can tell us something unique about Wisconsin's rich maritime history. So dive in and let's. . . Start Exploring Shipwrecks!

For Teachers

Wisconsin's shipwrecks are tangible reminders of how important water has been in shaping the state's history We must remember that most of Wisconsin's borders are rivers or lakes, and that there are thousands of ponds, lakes, streams, and rivers within Wisconsin. Working with Water explores the history of Wisconsin waterways, from the glaciers that formed the waterways to historic and modern shipping on lakes Superior and Michigan, as well as the Mississippi River.

Beginning with Native American's, and later with European and American settlement, Wisconsin's waterways have been used for the transportation of people and cargo, fishing, agriculture, a source of power, and recreation. Stories of canoeing, fishing and ricing, shipping and shipwrecks, lumber, paper-making, and more await discovery in Working with Water. Additionally, the book's companion teacher's guide offers fun and educational activities that relate to the text's major themes. This Web site is based on a chapter excerpted from the book.

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Student book and teacher materials that effectively integrate Wisconsin's natural and human history. The eight chapters in "Working with Water" take students from glaciers to stewardship.