About the Wisconsin Historical Records Advisory Board
The Wisconsin Historical Records Advisory Board (WHRAB) was created in 1977 by executive order to assist state, local and private endeavors in the preservation of historical records. It is one of 55 organizations in the states and territories of the U.S. that act in affiliation with the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) for the purpose of preserving, publishing, and promoting the use of documentary sources relating to the history of the United States. The Board's members are appointed by the governor and represent historical records creators, keepers, and users.
Mission and Vision
The WHRAB promotes the availability and use of records with historical value as keys to the state's cultural heritage. It leads collaborative efforts to preserve records and increase their accessibility by promoting education about archives and best archival practices and by helping Wisconsin organizations obtain federal grant funding. WHRAB advises the Director of the Wisconsin Historical Society and the Governor of Wisconsin on all matters concerning the state’s historical records.
The people of Wisconsin will benefit from a deeper understanding of their heritage through preserved and accessible records that document their diverse and rich history. Acting on their behalf, the WHRAB will serve as the nucleus of a coalition of Wisconsin's historical records organizations, playing the role of educator, advocate, promoter, planner, and coordinator. The Board will aid these constituents directly through federal grant funding and will provide a meeting ground for all of them, fostering common agendas and goals.
The WHRAB's activity falls primarily into three areas.
1. Provide Guidance and Assistance to Archives and Records Management Programs in Wisconsin
The WHRAB guides, assists and promotes best practices for the Wisconsin Association of Public Librarians, the Registers in Probate Association, and the Wisconsin Council for Local History. Additionally, each year the Board coordinates archival training programs, often in partnership with the Wisconsin Historical Society’s Local History and Historic Preservation Conference.
2. Bring Federal Grant Funds to Wisconsin for Improving Access and Preservation of Historical Records
WHRAB works with the NHPRC, the grants arm of the National Archives and Records Administration. Since 1976, WHRAB has helped bring over $2.7 million dollars in NHPRC funds to 19 Wisconsin organizations. These grants have helped Wisconsin:
- Develop records management programs for local governments
- Coordinate collection and accessioning projects
- Preserve photographic and film collections
- Develop electronic records standards
- Sponsor workshops and conferences on archival issues
3. Promote the Value of Historical Records as Keys to our Cultural Heritage
The WHRAB began its Archives Month program in 1998 to heighten public appreciation of the role that historical records play in our lives. The Board's annual Governors Archives Award also promotes the value of Wisconsin's historical records by recognizing outstanding archival work.
Board Members
Meeting Agendas and Minutes
The WHRAB meets three times a year to review new NHPRC grant applications and coordinate statewide historical records concerns. As a state agency, the WHRAB posts open meeting notices and minutes to increase state government transparency. Meeting minutes since 2022 have been compiled here. To find subcommittee and pre-2022 meeting minutes and agendas go to the Wisconsin Public Meeting Notices and Minutes website or contact the WHRAB associate via email: mara.rodewald@wisconsinhistory.org
[UPCOMING] 2025, February 13 at 10AM via Microsoft Teams | Agenda |
2024, November 11 | Draft Minutes |
2024, July 25 | Minutes |
2023, December 7 | Minutes |
2023, July 12 | Minutes |
2022, November 16 | Minutes |
2022, July 13 | Minutes |
2022, February 11 | Minutes |
WHRAB Historic Records Collection Guides
Creating a Collection Development Policy (Historical Records) (PDF, 120 KB)
Creating a Collection Development Policy (Public Libraries) (PDF, 123 KB)
Everything You Wanted to Know About Records Storage Environment (PDF, 260 KB)
Learn More
- 2024-2030 WHRAB Strategic Plan (PDF, 217KB)
- About the WHRAB Landscape Project
- Governor's Archives Award
- WHRAB Professional Development Scholarship
- 2017-2022 WHRAB Strategic Plan (PDF, 700 KB)
- Past Governor's Archives Awards Winners
- Wisconsin Historical Records Repository Directory (WHRRD)
Have Questions?
For more information contact:
Abbie Norderhaug, Deputy Collections Division Administrator/WHRAB Coordinator | abbie.norderhaug@wisconsinhistory.org 608-264-6478 |
Mara Rodewald, Program Associate for the WHRAB | mara.rodewald@wisconsinhistory.org |