About the Wisconsin Family History Book Award
Submission Guidelines

Passover Supper, 1945
Close-up group portrait of Abe and Sarah Mintz's family gathered around the dining room table for Passover supper. View the original source document: WHI 13055
The Wisconsin Historical Society and the Wisconsin State Genealogical Society invite nominations of published genealogies detailing the history of Wisconsin families for the Wisconsin Family History Book Award.
The Wisconsin Family History Book Award is given annually to the author of a genealogy or family history book that best documents the history of a Wisconsin family and, in the opinion of the judges, made the most valuable contribution to public understanding of Wisconsin's past during the preceding calendar year.
Authors and publishers are encouraged to nominate their own works. Books published by the Wisconsin Historical Society and the Wisconsin State Genealogical Society are not eligible to receive this award.
Books must meet all of the following requirements to be considered:
- The book must have been published in the calendar year preceding the award
- The print edition must be at least 50 pages long and be hard, soft, or spiral bound
- The narrative must cover more than one generation
- The book must show substantial Wisconsin interest or connection
Award Criteria
Judges will evaluate each book according to the following criteria:
- Excellence and depth of research and documentation
- Quality of writing
- Ease of use and attractiveness of presentation - book includes standard elements, and graphic design enhances the quality and appeal of the book
- Impact and interest for the general public, genealogists, and/or scholars
- Contribution to the field of genealogy and the printed record of Wisconsin history
Awards are reviewed by a committee of judges appointed by the Society and approved by the Executive Committee of the Board of Curators.
Due Date
March 10 of each year (postmarked or delivered)
How to Apply
Nominations must be submitted using the Wisconsin Family History Book Award nomination form. Either (1) one print copy and one digital copy of the book, or (2) three print copies of the book should accompany the form. Note: If a copy of the book is already in the collection of the Wisconsin Historical Society Library, indicate that fact on the nomination form and only send a digital copy or two print copies of the book.
One copy of the book will be retained for the collection of the Wisconsin Historical Society if a copy is not already in its collection. Additional copies can be returned to the nominator if requested.
Send applications to:
Wisconsin Historical Society
Attention: Rebecca Hopman
816 State Street
Madison, WI 53706-1482
Send digital files to:
The presentation of the award will be made at a time and location convenient to the recipient.
2024 Award Winner
Ancestors of Olive Marie Schmidt: The Schmidt/Krier Family, by Rebecca Bley Shamblin
A full listing of past winners is available HERE.
Have Questions?
For more information, contact Rebecca Hopman at rebecca.hopman@wisconsinhistory.org, by phone at 608-261-9515, or by writing the address above.