How Does My Community Become a Certified Local Government (CLG)?
Certified Local Governments are designated by the Wisconsin State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and the National Park Service through a four-step application process.
1. The chief elected official of the local government submits a letter requesting certification to the State Historic Preservation Officer, Wisconsin Historical Society, 816 State Street, Madison, WI 53706.
The request must consist of the following:
- Assurance that the local government enforces appropriate state and local legislation for the designation and protection of historic properties and will coordinate its activities with the SHPO.
- A copy of the local historic preservation ordinance, including amendments.
- A list of properties and districts designated under the local ordinance, including proper names and addresses.
- A list of the local historic preservation commission members, including qualifications or expertise in fields related to historic preservation.
- If the local preservation commission does not include professional members from the disciplines of history, architectural history, architecture, or archaeology, a statement demonstrating that the local government has made reasonable efforts to appoint such members.
- If the disciplines of history, architectural history, architecture and archaeology are not all represented on the commission, a proposal on how the local preservation commission will obtain such expertise needs to be submitted to the SHPO. This expertise is necessary to review National Register of Historic Places nominations or take other delegated actions that will impact properties normally evaluated by professionals in these disciplines.
- A copy of the local historic preservation plan or a brief statement describing the local preservation program.
- If appropriate, a list of any additional duties, responsibilities or activities that the local government agrees to undertake if certified.
- If all of the above requirements are not currently met, a statement must be included indicating how and when they will be fulfilled.
2. The SHPO will respond to an adequately documented request for certification in less than 60 days.
3. If the local government fulfills the requirements, the SHPO will approve the certification request and prepare a written Certification Agreement for signature by the chief elected official of the local government. It will list the specific responsibilities of the local government when certified.
4. The Certification Agreement and the CLG application will then be sent to the Department of the Interior for review and approval. Upon approval, the CLG will be eligible for benefits.
How does my community keep its CLG Status?
Every CLG must do the following to maintain CLG status:
- Submit an annual report online of historic preservation activities online to the SHPO. Please review this PDF for a preview of the survey questions that you need to complete online. Do not submit a copy of the PDF as your annual report.
- Maintain a qualified historic preservation commission
- Review alteration or demolition requests on locally designated properties
- Educate the community about historic preservation
Learn More
Certified Local Government Historic Preservation Program in Wisconsin
How to Apply for Historic Preservation Fund Subgrants for Certified Local Governments
Certified Local Government (CLG) Subgrant Criteria
Have Questions?
Contact Jason Tish by phone at 608-264-6512 or by email: