How to Apply for Historic Preservation Fund Subgrants for Certified Lo | Wisconsin Historical Society

General Information

How to Apply for Historic Preservation Fund Subgrants for Certified Local Governments

How to Apply for Historic Preservation Fund Subgrants for Certified Lo | Wisconsin Historical Society

Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) subgrants are administered by the Wisconsin State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO). At the federal level, the program is managed by the National Park Service (NPS), U.S. Department of the Interior. The HPF is derived from federal offshore oil leases, not from tax revenues. The Catalog of Federal Assistance number is 15.904. 

General Program Information

Subgrants to CLGs in Wisconsin are awarded once per year. The application deadline is typically in December, and awards are finalized in February. No match is required for subgrants. The total funding amount available is approximately $115,000 each year. The maximum grant amount is $50,000. Grant funds are disbursed on a cost-reimbursement basis. 

Deadlines for the 2025 grant cycle:

  • September 13, 2024: Letter of Intent is due
  • December 13, 2024: Application is due 

Who May Apply?

Only Wisconsin Certified Local Governments (CLG) may apply. For a list of CLGs please see our map (PDF, 420 KB) or the National Park Service CLG search page.

What Type of Projects are Eligible for Funding?

All proposed projects must assist Wisconsin historic resources in one of the following ways:

  • Surveys of communities or neighborhoods to identify architectural, archaeological, and historical places important to local history. survey projects to identify and evaluate historic properties. For intensive survey projects, the applicant must have survey boundaries approved by SHPO staff prior to application.
  • Nominations of historic places to the National Register of Historic Places or as local Landmarks. For nomination of a Historic District nominations, the applicant must have a community engagement meeting attended by SHPO staff prior to submitting the nomination to introduce the project to property owners in the proposed district.
  • Educational projects like workshops, apps, webinars, publications, or other innovative public programs that teach use historic places to teach about local history.
  • Planning documents such as historic preservation plans or design guidelines for local historic properties.
  • CAMP collaborate with NAPC to host a Commission Assistance and Mentoring Program (CAMP) in your city

Rehabilitation, repair, or restoration work is not eligible for CLG subgrant funding. Wisconsin does offer the following historic preservation tax credits:

How Does a CLG Apply for Funding?

  1. Identify an eligible project in your CLG community, in consultation with SHPO CLG coordinator.
  2. If the project is a survey or National Register nomination, conduct public engagement sessions during the summer or fall prior to submitting your application.
  3. Submit a Letter of Intent to by the deadline outlining the proposed project.
  4. Consult the Application Guidelines for full eligibility requirements and applicable rules.
  5. Complete a CLG Subgrant Application and submit to by the deadline. 

Application Evaluation Criteria

To understand how applications are evaluated, and how award decisions are made, see the current Subgrant Evaluation Criteria. SHPO staff are available to assist with development of project ideas, public engagement, and completions of applications. Contact Jason Tish at or 608-264-6512 for assistance.

Application Review and Grant Award Process

  • SHPO staff reviews and scores applications according to the Subgrant Evaluation Criteria.
  • CLG Coordinator presents staff award recommendations to the Wisconsin Historic Preservation Review Board at the February board meeting for approval.
  • CLG Coordinator announces final grant awards in March and on
  • CLG representative and the State Historic Preservation Officer sign grant agreement documents.
  • CLG issues a Request for Bids (RFB) from qualified historic preservation consultants according to the municipality's established RFB process. A sample RFB (PDF, 11 KB) is available for reference.
  • CLG staff executes a contract with the chosen consultant. Sample contracts are available from the CLG coordinator.
  • Consultant performs the work of the project with the support of CLG staff.
  • CLG submits expense records to SHPO using the Reimbursement Request Form (PDF, 25 KB) for reimbursement up to the amount of the grant award.

Refer to the Subgrant Manual (PDF, 646 KB) for complete guidance on the rules, procedures, and requirements of this grant program. Failure to meet all of the requirements and procedures in the manual may result in cancellation of a subgrant and return of any affected reimbursement.

Learn More

Have Questions

Contact Jason Tish by phone at 608-264-6512 or by email at