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Human Burials, Mounds and Cemeteries | Wisconsin Historical Society

Human Burials, Mounds and Cemeteries

Human Burials, Mounds and Cemeteries and State Law

Moving Burial Sites

Moving human burials should only be undertaken as a last resort. Read these articles to learn the procedures to follow.

Protecting Burial Sites

Though State law protects all human burial sites, older burial sites and mounds are sometimes damaged. Learn what you can do to help protect them.

Discovery of Human Remains

Have you been digging and found a bone? By State law, all discoveries of suspected human bone must be reported immediately. Stop, call your local police, do not move or handle the remains, and read our instructions below.

Burial Sites Catalog

This catalog lists human burial sites with known locations and a certainty or likelihood that human remains are present.

For Archaeologists and Consultants

Are you a member of the archaeological community? Find information, guides and forms to assist you with preservation laws and resources.

Have Questions?

Contact us at 608-264-6464 or at for questions about human burials, mounds and cemeteries.