Historic Preservation Ordinances and Commissions | HP Education | Wisconsin Historical Society

Guide or Instruction

Chapter 4: Starting a Preservation Commission

Table of Contents

Historic Preservation Ordinances and Commissions | HP Education | Wisconsin Historical Society
  • Page 1: Historic Preservation Ordinances
    Wisconsin cities and villages can use the protections of a historic preservation ordinance to benefit property values, stimulate investment, and promote tourism in their communities. Once a preservation ordinance is enacted, many communities appoint members to a historic preservation commission.
  • Page 2: Commission Membership and Authority
    A community’s historic preservation commission, established after the adoption of a local preservation ordinance, becomes part of the local governing authority. Local laws determine the commission's membership requirements and authority.
  • Page 3: New Commission Member Orientation
    Newly appointed commission members should receive basic training to their new position and an introductory packet of materials, including copies of the local preservation ordinance, commission bylaws and procedures, and design guidelines.
  • Page 4: Working With (or Without) Staff
    Most preservation commissions in Wisconsin do not have paid staff. A commission can often share a support staff person with another local government entity, but some preservation projects may require specialized knowledge.
  • Page 5: Working with Professionals, Volunteers, and Students
    Members of preservation commissions will often need to work with professional contractors, volunteers, and students to accomplish the commission's work.