Guide or Instruction
Chapter 9: Preservation Commission Design Review
Table of Contents
Page 1: Conducting a Design Review
A significant responsibility of a preservation commission is conducting design reviews. The commission should establish clear review procedures and follow those procedures consistently with every review.Page 2: Conflict of Interest in Preservation Projects
Commission members need to avoid involvement in any proceeding in which they have a personal, financial, or professional interest. Some conflicts are easy to identify, while others may be more difficult to assess.Page 3: Economic Hardship
Commissions may encounter building owners who cannot maintain their properties due to economic hardship. Provisions in the local preservation ordinance should provide relief to those who have genuine economic constraints.Page 4: Demolition by Neglect: Ordinance Provisions
One of the toughest preservation issues a commission can face is demolition by neglect. Commissions should use local ordinances to stipulate procedures and penalties in cases of neglect.Page 5: Demolition by Neglect: Enforcement Actions
When a historic property is being neglected, the preservation commission must take action. Commissions have several options to prevent further neglect or penalize owners for noncompliance.Page 6: Demolition Delays
Once a building has been demolished, it is gone forever. The local preservation ordinance should outline commission procedures to delay a demolition until all other options have been exhausted.