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Republican Ticket
Presidential candidate: JAMES GARFIELD, Ohio Congressman
VP candidate: CHESTER A. ARTHUR, former New York Port Collector
Popular votes: 4,453,611 (48.3%)
Electoral votes: 214
Democratic Ticket
Presidential candidate: Winfield Hancock, U.S. Army General
VP candidate: William English, former Indiana Congressman
Popular votes: 4,445,256 (48.2%)
Electoral votes: 155
1880 US Electoral Map: How each state voted. Wisconsin's Choice: Garfield.

Election Facts

  • Tariffs and civil service reform were among the issues of this election.
  • Garfield became a compromise dark-horse candidate after a stalemate among Republican factions.
  • Just months after his inauguration, Garfield was assassinated by a supporter of a rival Republican faction. The assassin was upset that Garfield didn't appoint him to a diplomatic post.
James A. Garfield.
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Democratic National Convention, Cincinnati. "Harper's Weekly," July 10, 1880.
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Garfield victory cartoon. "Harper's Weekly," November 20, 1880.
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George F. Hoar addresses the delegates at the Republican National Convention, Chicago. Frank Leslie's "Illustrated Newspaper", June 1880.
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Delegates arrive at the Republican National Convention, Chicago. Frank Leslie's "Illustrated Newspaper", June 1880.
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