The KKK parades through Madison in 1924

Thousands Witness Parade of Klan: Fiery Crosses Give Color to Demonstration

The Ku Klux Klan first appeared in Wisonsin in the fall of 1920. In October of 1924, the Klan staged its first parade in Madison, drawing a sizable crowd to watch the spectacle. With little to offer members and no clear statement of purpose, the KKK was unable to maintain member loyalty and support, and had all but disappeared by 1928.

Related Topics: Wisconsin's Response to 20th-century change
Desegregation and Civil Rights
Creator: Wisconsin State Journal
Pub Data: Wisconsin State Journal. 5 October 1924.
Citation: "Thousands Witness Parade of Klan: Fiery Crosses Give Color to Demonstration." Wisconsin State Journal. (5 October 1924). Online facsimile at:; Visited on: 4/26/2024