Wisconsin Democrats suggest urgent measures to save President Johnson's re-election campaign, 1968

Memorandum to President Lyndon Johnson from Richard D. Cudahy, State Chairman, Democratic Party of Wisconsin

Facing mounting opposition to his handling of Vietnam, President Lyndon Johnson faced an uphill battle going into the election of 1968. Richard Cudahy, Chairman of the Democratic Party in Wisconsin, assessing the president's poor chances in the upcoming presidential primary, sent this letter of recommendations to the Johnson administration and urged them to take decisive action before it was too late.

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Creator: Cudahy, Richard
Pub Data: Virtual Vietnam. Texas Tech University.
Citation: Cudahy, Richard D. "Memorandum to President Lyndon Johnson from Richard D. Cudahy, State Chairman, Democratic Party of Wisconsin." (19 March 1968); Online facsimile at:  http://star.vietnam.ttu.edu/cgi-bin/starfetch.exe?m@4.t0R2t0a4ZYl
VGF.Hp46Gp.m7LeT3Ka62jlPzFY/0241207070.pdf; Visited on: 4/26/2024