Two sausage stuffers

Sausage stuffers

Wisconsin's immigrants brought many of their traditional foods with them to the United States. Food provided one of the most basic ways for immigrants to stay connected to their cultural heritage, as well as providing an introduction to a different ethnic heritage for other immigrants. As the largest immigrant group in Wisconsin, German Americans contributed one of the state's most iconic foods, bratwurst. While many cultures make sausage, German sausage, or wurst, became the most dominant in Wisconsin. These images are of two kinds of sausage stuffers, one for the home and one for a factory.

Related Topics: Immigration and Settlement
19th-Century Immigration
Creator: Unknown
Pub Data: Wisconsin Historical Museum. (museum object 1964.251.1 and 1996.126.1a-h)
Citation: Sausage stuffers. Wisconsin Historical Museum. Online facsimile at:; Visited on: 5/4/2024