The Wisconsin Legislature seeks federal support for canals, 1867

Memorial to Congress in relation to the project of connecting... the waters of the Mississippi River with the waters of Lake Michigan.

Seeking Federal approval and support for canals, the Wisconsin Legislature submitted this memorial to Congress and the President outlining the advantages to improving transportation along the Fox and Wisconsin waterway.

Related Topics: Immigration and Settlement
Great Lakes Steamships and Canals
Creator: Cameron, Angus; Wheeler, George; Fairchild, Lucius
Pub Data: Madison, 1867?
Citation: Cameron, Angus; Wheeler, George; Fairchild, Lucius. Memorial to Congress in relation to the project of connecting by navigable channels through the Wisconsin, Fox and Rock rivers, the waters of the Mississippi river with the waters of Lake Michigan. To the Honorable, the Senate and House of representatives of the United States, in Congress assembled: the Memorial of the Legislature of Wisconsin, respectfully represents ... Approved February 27th, 1867. (Madison, 1867?); Online facsimile at:
t(rbpe1890250c)); Visited on: 5/5/2024